Monday, February 15, 2010

Jackie Chan Brad Pitt Filmjei

El suplicio de una madre, sobre PRECIOUS, de Lee Daniels

Quietly, we could draw an analogy between the Precious suffered protagonist and troubled young Rosetta. But, see, clarify something, to avoid suspicion and controversy: it is not to compare the films of Lee Daniels -black with two films under his belt, and second in their race to compete for an Oscar for Best Director, and Dardenne brothers twice-winners of the Palme d'Or at Cannes .- No established here the strengths and weaknesses of auteur cinema that can practice Dardenne, or narrative patchwork that Daniels submitted to us.
is simply to approach the issue in a more original, as anyone who has seen both films, knows that the roles of Gabourey Sidibe (justly nominated for an Oscar) and Emilie Dequenne (winner for Best Actress at Cannes '99) are victims of a vicious social and family circle.
Following the line drawn, why Precious is considered by some as "visual pornography" and Rosetta is a "masterpiece"? Surely, because Precious has a level of explicitness and the Dardenne morbo always avoided. However, both achieve their objectives: at some point, its characters, or the circumstances, they explode. Precious
is the dialect, the grimaces and certain clichés of the films led by black actors in marginalized characters. From Do the right thing to Hustle & Flow , through Boy'z N the Hood or Sugar, but with the difference that here they hold the reins, for better and for worse, are women . Mo'nique power is overwhelming. From freezing to sound looks insults, shows the presence and essence of a mother to fear, and get Faye Dunaway playing Joan Crawford in dear Mother looks like a serene woman. Gabourey Sidibe, as the daughter suffering and humiliation, has the difficult task of dealing to the bitterness of their context, and this girl knows how to exploit all possible nuances, body and soul. Daniels
, if there are doubts, not measured. Going to extremes, and without any qualms whatsoever makes use of restraint. Before him, his screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher precedes it. And first on the podium, Sapphire, poet debutant Push novel, the book that inspired the director to record the worst miseries.
Knowing what we know, understanding and being aware of what the film is, and what is the record chosen, is in the viewers judge Daniels. If Danny Boyle
generated an endless war of polemics the much more discreet Slumdog Millionaire, Precious surely be best remembered for the noise it has generated.
As said: the film is well acted and directed, and even writing, with its licensing and elections. But, unlike Boyle's film, there are Precious a film much more susceptible to hatred and rejection, the controversy and fervor, and all that remains opaque over time, or not. And Precious not be remembered as a momentous film.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Easy To Make Cheetah Cake

Al filo del peligro, sobre VIVIR AL LÍMITE, de Kathryn Bigelow

Living on the edge - The Hurt Locker for friends "will go down in history as the first film in which a director gets the Oscar for best director. Most likely, at this point, and according to previous awards, criticism, and the wind. However
: Is Kathryn Bigelow film a great job? Well, she met effectively, but hard to think of this work as great as momentous, and probably in some global sense, hence a couple of years has not kept the prestige it now seems to enjoy.
said, is a worthy film, very well done, rather than right, with several sequences stressful, and a solid cast. But personally I believe too the probability of winning the Oscar for Best Picture. It is not, and from there begin to do more strength than ever Basterds, the only film that takes advantage of several heads, as I see on the big screen, as appropriate, to their competitors.
those who already have seen and lived the pace and tension of the three soldiers Living on the edge, will agree that the highs are a logradísimo start with included guest actor (Guy Pearce ) as well as the sequence in the desert, with another entry soon, this time Ralph Fiennes , or a dramatic effect on scenes where the protagonist is a boy with a bomb in his belly. While averaging the film, the last moments of action does not disappoint.
constantly moving camera, some frames virtuosos, the sound work fine, and flawless editing, do the rest.
Is it sufficient? I guess at this point, as a matter of taste. Bigelow's is clear, and thus devote finished with a material that knows how to handle very well. His Oscar as the director may be unobjectionable, but again I insist on what was said about the bastards, and I have not seen even a director beyond that proud of Tarantino. Jeremy
Renner is the squad leader, and the film, you need to, with all his lines and moments that sometimes pass the cliché. It's an interesting role, but also consider it worthy of nomination. Anthony Mackie and seconded to the office computer.
The Hurt Locker is a good product. Is not indifferent to the viewer. But it is a film round. Perhaps the failure comes from the script, because visually, Bigelow showed he could do the best he could, and really is something, but quite the opposite.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Long To Live With Chf

Best Supporting Actor

At this point, talk of Oscar Christoph Waltz as the best side is almost a redundancy. It is so predictable and known that it would seem that the ceremony has already occurred quite some time. However, there is still a month, but he already has secured the trophy.
I said at the time, when I saw Basterds in a movie, then I put it right here: "Do not miss one of the most incredible villains in film history-yes, I'm not exaggerating-in Christoph Waltz stranger's skin. " Film Board, 10/03/1909.
affirm without fear of over cruelty and pride in the very lucid interpretation suits Heath Ledger and Javier Bardem , and it is clear that the film would not be the same without him (this will also include the other two, mind you.)
face of such power, the remaining four will also serve as an escort, as the girls Mo'nique. But let me make it clear that I find shameful nomination Matt Damon. I can not understand, are able to forgive. My logic and my senses do not understand. Sounds like a disastrous choice. It is unfair to the other nominees, with a well earned, and much more, for those left out, namely Christian McKay (Me and Orson Welles , would have been nice surprise), Alfred Molina ( An education ) Alec Baldwin ( It's complicated, too bad, his nomination would have meant a greater range of selection); Anthonie Mackie ( The Hurt Locker ).
However, it is a joy to see the "debut" in Stanley Tucci and Christopher Plummer, and the second round Woody Harrelson, who comes to represent the actor is reborn after stagnating a bit, as occurred months Downey Jr. back with , Baldwin or Matt Dillon.
I do not want any surprises here, and I think most of us going, unlike the distaste that can generate Mo'nique's victory. In this case, we want to win Christoph Waltz, and deliver a speech multilingual, as the chameleon Colonel Landa.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gretchin Bathing Suit

Best Supporting Actrees


categories that matter What would the Oscars without the best actor, best actress, best side, the outstanding cast? Oscar would not, but rather bland and boring.
then fully analyze these four items are worth more than three-hour ceremony, despite the fact that each year, has at least two of the four with predictable and almost undisputed winners. Best Supporting

will, no doubt. The other four the escort. There are two who accompanied her in several awards, one highlighted by averaging the nominations, and a single surprise, more than welcome. Mo'nique is
Jennifer Hudson the year. Actress consolidated by other means (tv here, the music in the case of Hudson), African American, almost film debut with a role as to exploit known as superb. Dreamgirls was a minor film, Precious ... be seen, but Mo'Nique has been a great ambassador, and gained the first to the last award has been nominated case similar to Hudson, with the difference that this could fall at the Oscars if Adriana Barraza Rinko Kikuchi or became surprises for Babel. No one will remember
Mo'nique within two years, as did Hudson (anyone has seen beyond her sad role in the film Sex & the City ?), But you can say that at least in this case, in the areas side, the Academy can really rewarding "best of the year" and not taking into account paths or debt, as often happens on occasion in the main acting items. From
Mo'nique is because the height of a career like Julianne Moore , none for the Oscars, and true is that Penelope Cruz and Vera Farmiga already well solid, with many more projects ahead. The fact is that if you really Mo'nique up a notable role, the Academy will award the 7 March, and then, if you've seen, I do not remember. And not bad that way. Sensations

I did not like to nominate Penelope Cruz. It is clear that it is fashionable. Least if we consider that Julianne Moore was left out or Samantha Morton. So I would have preferred a surprise as Judi Dench , or duo Basterds ( Laurent and Kruger), or Susan Sarandon ...
Anyway, it was a joy to see between five to Maggie Gyllenhaal. Rising actress, great support from Jeff Bridges , literally, is a good opportunity to be offered better roles.

Utopia: see triumph Anna Kendrick, for his beautiful paper in Love nonstop or Vera Farmiga, to a lesser extent.

Other prizes sung in the history of the sport:
  • Mercedes Ruehl, The Fisher King
  • Jennifer Connelly, A beatiful mind
  • Renée Zellweger, Coldmountain
  • Rachel Weisz, The constant gardener